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My name is Anna. I have gray cat named Shadow. I love art and animals. I'm in 6'th grade. And I like to ride horses and do magic because it's fun to do :) :) :) :) :) :)


Teachers page


Look here for information about our magnificant teachers! Mariana, Anna, Amanda and Erin. 


My name is Erin.  I have a dog named Obe, and a little brother named Ben. I love animals, sports and playing the saxaphone. I'm in 6th grade. I love magic becouse I love amusing people.



My name is Amanda. I have two brothers and a sister. I am in 6th grade. I spend most of my summer going to camp Tevya, Maya goes as well. I love magic because I can really express my inner self and how crazy I really am.

I am generally optomistic. I like little kids. And I sound more intellegent verbally than in writing. I like magic because it makes little kids happy (and other people too)

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